E-Safety – Information for parents

Internet use is part of the statutory curriculum and the school has a duty to provide quality internet access as part of our student’s learning experience.

This access is carefully supervised and monitored within school and safeguards and filters are in place to ensure that the information the children can access is safe and appropriate.

Technology is advancing at a rapid rate and although this creates fabulous opportunities for online enjoyment and communication it is not without risk. With this in mind we have created links to a range of websites where parents and carers can access information about how they can protect their children from online dangers.


Childnet - Helping make the internet a great and safe place for children and young people.

Internet Matters - A wealth of practical tips, from age-specific online safety checklists to comprehensive guides on setting parental controls. Discover the knowledge and tools you’ll need to help your children safely and confidently explore the digital world.​