Welcome to Year 1

Transition From Reception To Year 1

Our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage One. The Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had during their time in Reception. In order to meet the needs of the children, we will continue to provide opportunities for continuous provision, moving towards a more structured approach as the year progresses. Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries/questions, it is important to us that both you, and your child, are happy.

Reading In Year 1

Your child will read in a guided reading group once a week, with readers of a similar ability, and fluency. During this session your child will read, discuss and be asked questions to enhance their comprehension skills. Your child will also be given a book to read at home. A new book will be given to your child each Tuesday and will need to be returned the following Monday. It is extremely important that you make time to read this book with your child at home. Children receive reward points for reading and are entered into a draw giving them the opportunity to win a book to the value of £5. Please ensure your child has their reading book and record at school every day as any opportunity to do additional reading will be taken.

Sharing Experiences From Home

Children often enjoy telling us about what they have been doing at home. If your child wishes to share news with the class, then we ask that they bring something with them to help them present. This may be a souvenir, ticket, brochure or better still a picture/some writing that they have produced about their experience. Likewise, if your child makes something at home relating to our topic, or that they are particularly proud of then that too can be brought in and shared. We do however ask that under no circumstances are toys brought into school!

General Reminders

  • Year 1 do PE on a Wednesday and a Thursday with Mr McCarron. Your child will need to bring both an indoor and outdoor PE kit each Tuesday and will bring this home with them on a Thursday to be washed. Their indoor kit should comprise of black shorts and a white t-shirt. For outdoor PE they require warmer clothing to include jogging bottoms, a hoody or similar jumper and some suitable footwear e.g. trainers. Please ensure that your child’s clothes/shoes are labelled clearly.

  • Children are to keep their earrings covered during PE. Please can any piercings be removed at home on PE days or alternatively covered with tape or plasters.

  • Homework will be given out on a Friday and is to be returned no later than Tuesday. We do ask that you please take the time to support your child with the tasks set as these will complement the work we are doing in school.

  • The children will continue to use their own water bottle which they can access throughout the day. Replacement bottles can be purchased through ParentPay.

As readers, we will continue to develop our phonic knowledge through daily Read Write Inc. sessions whilst also undertaking group guided reading. Through guided reading, we will enjoy sharing, and discussing, a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Children will develop improved fluency and the ability to summarise what they have read. They will learn to make sensible predictions, read beyond the text, and answer a range of questions appropriate to the book they are reading. We will continue to share high quality texts from the school reading spine as a class.


As writers, we continue to develop our confidence to write independently using the phonics sounds we have learnt so far. We will focus specifically on what a simple sentence needs to include: a capital letter at the beginning, clear finger gaps and a full stop at the end. The inspiration for writing this term is a range of high-quality texts related to superheroes. Throughout this term we will look at common spelling patterns, the Year 1 Common Exception Words, the days of the week and simple punctuation.


As mathematicians, we will consolidate place value within 10 and develop our addition and subtraction skills within 10. In geometry we learn to recognise 2d and 3d shapes.


As scientists, we will be observing the changes across the season including the weather and the length of days. We will also identify the basic parts of the human body and its senses, as well as identify common animals.


As geographers, we will use geographical fieldwork skills such as map making, devising a key and using symbols to show where things are clearly on a map of our classroom and surrounding areas within the school grounds. This will help us to better understand our surroundings and help to develop our observational skills.


As historians, we will be learning about a significant individual - Florence Nightingale.


As theologians we will learn about Christians and what they believe and will explore their belief in God and the story of creation. We will learn how Christians believe Jesus came to work with human beings to help them fix something and about the stories he told to help teach Christians how to do this. We will also learn about the Christian community, the importance of the church building and ceremonies and special celebrations that happen there.


As computer users, we will understand what the Internet is used for, who to tell if we have a problem online, and what the Internet and other computing technology can be used for.


As artists, we will explore mixing paints to make new colours and refine our motor skills when using a paintbrush. We will use pencil to make marks of different strengths (light/dark) and begin to work with clay learning how to manipulate and mark the clay.


As citizens, in PSHE, we will learn about our emotions and feelings, our bodies and keeping them safe, and keeping safe on the internet.


As musicians, we will explore a range of songs linking to harvest, jobs and heroes. We will learn to name classroom percussion, and will listen to pieces that contain contrasting elements of music, such as tempo, dynamics or pitch.


As sports people, we will be developing movements to percussion and making our own music. Outside we will be further developing our ABC skillset.


As designers, we will explore textiles and create a textile tree. We will examine different textiles and based on their properties, create a design and a prototype. We will then make our final product and discuss if we would change anything for next time.

As readers, we will continue to develop our phonic knowledge through daily Read Write Inc. sessions whilst also undertaking group guided reading. Through guided reading, we will enjoy sharing, and discussing, a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Children will develop improved fluency and the ability to summarise what they have read. They will learn to make sensible predictions, read beyond the text, and answer a range of questions appropriate to the book they are reading. We will continue to share high quality texts from the school reading spine as a class.


As writers, we continue to develop our confidence to write independently using the phonics sounds we have learnt so far. We will learn to add interest to our writing through including describing words and a greater range of vocabulary. We will also begin to use a wider range of punctuation, such as question marks and exclamation marks. The inspiration for writing this term comes from a range of high-quality texts related to the animal kingdom.


As mathematicians, we move on to learning about place value within 20. We will learn to add and subtract with numbers to 20 and develop our knowledge of place value within 50. In measurement we will learn about length and height and mass and volume.


As scientists, we will continue to observe the changes across the seasons and identify common plants and animals.


As geographers, we will use atlases and maps to identify the United Kingdom, identifying the countries and capital cities and also use the four cardinal compass points to describe locations on a map. We will begin to learn about human and physical geography and how to categorise features we find.


As theologians, we will learn about Islam and what Muslims believe. We will learn about the Muslim belief in one God Allah and the story of creation. We will also learn about the 99 names of Allah the Qur’an and the significance of the Prophet Muhammad. We will find out about key features of the mosque and key festivals and will learn about prayer in Islam and key objects associated with it.


As computer users, we will learn how to program a BeeBot to travel between two different points. Also, we will begin to debug our algorithms if they do not work.


As artists, we will continue to develop our accuracy in painting and pencils. We will study the work of the artist Andy Goldsworthy and create some art, in his style using items from nature (e.g. leaves, sticks).


As citizens, in PSHE, we will learn about how to be and stay healthy, keeping safe with medicines and other substances, and road safety.


As musicians, we will sing songs and listen to music about animals and think about how animals can be described in music. We will explore music from South Africa and think about choosing instruments to use when we play together.


As sports people, we will be learning about the fundamental shapes in gymnastics, Outside we will start to learn how to kick and control a football.


As designers, we will design and make a loom fish. We will test different ways of making this fish and evaluate each stage.


As readers, we will continue to develop our phonic knowledge through daily Read Write Inc. sessions whilst also undertaking group guided reading. Through guided reading, we will enjoy sharing, and discussing, a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Children will develop improved fluency and the ability to summarise what they have read. They will learn to make sensible predictions, read beyond the text, and answer a range of questions appropriate to the book they are reading. We will continue to share high quality texts from the school reading spine as a class.


As writers, we will learn to write a greater variety of genres, including non-fiction. We will become more familiar with a wider range of grammatical concepts, such as singular, plural and suffixes. We will continue to improve the accuracy of our punctuation and sentence structure. The inspiration for writing this term comes from a range of high-quality texts related to the seaside.


As mathematicians, we will learn about multiplication and division. We will also learn about fractions, focussing on halves and quarters. In geometry, we will learn about position and direction and in number, we learn about place value within 100. In measurement, we will learn about money and time.


As scientists, we will continue to observe the changes across the seasons and identify and group everyday materials and their properties.


As geographers, we will learn about the seaside and understand how seaside areas have similar and different human and physical geography to where we live. Children will use aerial photographs to recognise landmarks at the seaside.


As historians, we will be learning to compare the seaside in the past and the present.


As theologians, we will learn about different places of worship for different faiths. We will explore how they are linked to each faith's beliefs and how people live their lives.


As computer users, we will create our own digital book by adding text and adding pictures that we have taken.


As artists, we will be learning how to use clay effectively, experimenting with different techniques. We will learn how to make a printed piece of work, following in the style of artist, Nicole Pascoe. We will have a visit from an illustrator, showing us how we can recreate seaside creatures using recycled waste materials.


As citizens, in PSHE, we will learn about relationships and behaviour, bullying, taking responsibility for things and exploitation. We will learn about money and careers and keeping safe in the sun.


As musicians, we will sing songs about the seaside, and will compose music to describe an underwater scene. We will learn about melody, movement and phrases.


As sports people, we will start to learn lots of new athletics races and get ready to perform them on a sports day.


As designers, we will discuss the importance of taste, texture, colour and availability of food and through this we will work in teams to design, create and evaluate a picnic dish.